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    The Assyrians, Persians, Greeks and Romans all grabbed it.───亚述、波斯、希腊和罗马人都曾占有过这块土地。
    like the bow of the King of the Persians that is painted with vermilion and is tipped with coral.───的嘴唇就像是波斯国王的弯弓,那是一张涂上朱砂的弯弓,是一张镶嵌珊瑚的弯弓。
    The ancient Persians believed all gods wore white.───古代波斯人认为诸神均着白色。
    He thought the Iranians were right to see 300's depiction of the Persians as "an example of cultural denigration" .───他觉得伊朗人肯定把《300勇士》一片中对波斯人的描绘看作“文化毁谤的典型”。
    His object in writing was "that the great and wonderful deeds done by Greeks and Persians should not lack renown" .───他的写作目的就是“在古希腊人与波斯人之间所发生的这场伟大的事件不应该被忘记”。
    There was a king of the Persians, said my grandmother, and he had a son, and this son fell in love with a shepherd's daughter.───祖母说,从前波斯有一个国王,他有个儿子,儿子爱上了一个牧羊人的女儿。
    Indeed, reading some Western history books one might be forgiven for thinking that the Persians existed to be conquered by Alexander.───确实,如果一个人只读过西方的历史书,从而觉得波斯人存在的意义仅仅是等着被亚历山大征服,这也是情有可原的。
    His object in writing was "that the great and wonderful deeds done by Greeks and Persians should not lack unknown" .───他写作的目的是:217绝不能让希腊人和波斯人的伟大事迹不被后世人知晓。
    As Alexander the Great mopped up the Persians, no one would have dreamed that Greek would not be a world language forever.───亚历山大大帝横扫波斯时,人人都以为希腊语将永远作为一种世界语言。


    The Persians called Mithras 'The Mediator' since he was believed to stand between the light of Ahura-Mazda and the darkness of Ahriman.
    We await help from the Persians.
    The Persians were also idolatrous , so they replaced Babylon's gods with their own.
    After defeating the Persians again, he pushed his army all the way to the Indus River in India, to the western part of what's now India, and what was then called India also by Greeks.
    The Persians could use it to outflank us.
    Persians, with their pushed-in faces, can experience problems breathing.
    The Persians entered the city secretively, during a time of drought, through a dried-up waterway.
    So, when the Persians found themselves doing no better than on the previous day, they drew off again.
    The Greeks slaughtered the Persians at Plataea and succeeded in driving them out of Greece.


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