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    Carlo simulations for the experimental data have been mede based on a cluster model.───根据结团模型对实验结果作蒙特卡罗模拟。
    the Bible says Belshazzar was killed and Darius the Mede took over the great kingdom of Babylon, just as God had shown Daniel.───圣经说伯沙撒当夜被杀,玛代人大利乌统治了巴比伦王国,正如神向但以理显示的。
    And the low-temperature fracture was mainly quasicleavage step, this demonstrated that the fracture mede was transgranular type fracture.───低温拉伸时呈穿晶断裂,断口主要为准解理台阶;
    You found Paradise in Mede . Had a good job, made a good living, had police protection and there were courts of law.───你在米德工作很好,生活过得很好,有警察和法律保护你。
    not that mede any difference.───这又有什么区别呢?。
    I mede a lot of new friends during this week.───这一个礼拜认识了很多新朋友。
    Operation mede of horizontal reciprocating parking equipment───平面往复式停车设备的工作方式
    Management Mede of the Information Resource Based on the Intelligent Mansion───基于智能大厦架构的信息资源管理模式
    The Treatment of Benign and Malignant Esophageal Strictures by Metallic Stent Mede in China(An Analysis of 25 Cases)───国产金属内支架置入治疗良恶性食管狭窄(附25例分析)


    Thus troubled by her own evil designs, Mede fled in her dragon drawn carriage, never to return. for a time Theseus stayed with his father at Athens.
    Some Kurds believe their race descends from the Medes of early Persian history.
    Representative oily soil compositions are more easily mede up from pure chemical ingredients.
    I mede a lot of new friends during this week.
    The formulae are simple and practical. Comparisions were mede between datum obtained from actual shop tests and calculated results. the agreement between them is satisfactory.
    An introduction was mede on the preparation work history of Baise Multipurpose Dam Project and the comprehensive benefits of combining construction with management.
    Total's La Mede refinery has started to shut down as crude oil supplies to La Mede and other refineries began to dry up.
    You found Paradise in Mede . Had a good job, made a good living, had police protection and there were courts of law.
    On the professional filed of product design,(Sentencedict.com ) visual communication to really realize "mede to measure for customers".


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