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    The best thing for me is that I have equaled what I have done in Athens.───对我来说,最好的事情是我做到了在雅典曾经做到的事情。
    Eight laps equaled one mile.───八圈相当于一英里。
    Liu Xiang equaled the world record on the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.───刘翔在2004年雅典奥运会上平了世界纪录。
    Return to fix a rate low, equaled to save to the car owner for a great deal of money and time.───返修率低,等于给车主节省了大量的金钱和时间。
    In-vivo experiment, the role of taspine hydrochloride's wounding healing equaled to bFGF. It had an important role in wound healing process.───而盐酸塔斯品碱整体动物试验促伤口愈合的作用与bFGF相当,在伤口愈合过程中起着重要的作用。
    Year after year over the past two decades, Matsushita's growth rate has equaled or surpassed that of all of its global competitors.───20年来,松下公司的增长率,年复一年地相当于或者超过了它在全球的一切竞争者。
    For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now--and never to be equaled again.───因为那时必有大灾难,从世界的起头直到如今,没有这样的灾难,后来也没有。
    because those will be days of distress unequaled from the beginning, when God created the world, until now--and never to be equaled again.───因为在那些日子必有灾难,自从神创造万物直到如今,并没有这样的灾难,后来也必没有。
    It remains to be seen whether the joy of anticipation is exactly equaled by the amount of disappointment after the lottery .───但是有件事还有待考察:预期中奖的快乐是不是和开奖之后的“沮丧”的程度相等。


    Techshare gains were magnified by portfolio borrowings that last summer equaled about 15 cents for each dollar invested.
    Together, the broken chunks of ice equaled an area of 125 square kilometers, about two times the size of Manhattan Island in New York.
    He is equaled by no one in intelligence.
    Next in order came a few mortals so excellent in their art that they almost equaled the divine performers.
    The cost of his $ 50, 000 Jaguar nearly equaled his annual pay.
    This number equaled to one fourth of Sharp's production volume in a year by March 2002.
    The rise from 7, 000 to 8, 000, for instance, equaled a gain of 14. 3 percent.
    It should not he equaled to lithologic stratigraphic reservoir or nonstructural reservoir as some specific reservoirs would be ignored if only the two latter ones are regarded.
    In English, irrationality was equaled with lacking reason or understanding, even absurd or senseless.


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