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    The beauty of the experimental design is that it effectively rules out confounding variables; acoustic isolation assures that the female can respond only to the song structure itself.───实验设计的美妙之处在于它有效地排除了混淆变量;声学隔离确保了雌性只能对鸣声结构本身做出反应。
    is an accepted practice to pay a deposit with your order, which assures the seller that you are in fact a serious buyer.───在订货时付定金是公认的做法,这能向卖家保证你是一个认真的买家。
    It assures that the astronomical cycles have been in existence for billions of years.───这使人们确信天文周期已经存在了数十亿年。
    Specifics of her comeback are being kept under lock and key, but my CSI mole assures me that she "won't be appearing in a flashback. "───关于她回归的具体细节还没有公布,不过我在CSI的线人确保说她“不会以回忆的方式出现。”
    As I said, this assures that everything eventually gets put in a place where you're going to pay some attention to it.───就像我说的,最终确保了所有进入了这个你该注意的地方。
    Parslow assures her that he is only looking out for her best interests and Teri reluctantly agrees.───帕司若要她放心,他只是为她的最佳利益着想,泰瑞不情愿地同意了。
    Not so much, since the ENCSS assures me that it will do everything it can to make it a safe and pleasant trip.───这个不担心。主办方ENCSS明确表示他们会尽一切努力确保行程安全和愉快。
    I ask if his voice was as thin and high-pitched as it sounds on the recordings, and the man assures me that indeed it was.───我问,他的说话声是不是真像是录音磁带上那样尖细。那个男人告诉我,的确是那样。
    Have the word of time, give attention to two or more things ought to fall in the premise that assures a key scattered knowledge dot.───有时间的话,应当在保证重点的前提下兼顾零散知识点。


    This contract assures the company's profit this year.
    A prophet assures the patient that the Holy Spirit has the capacity to vanquish whatever it is that is causing the disorder.
    It is a method that assures perpetuation of disparities in power and of inequities in every form of day-to-day existence.
    It hangs, he assures me, in the billiards room of White's.
    At the same time, of course, it assures them of comprehensible input.
    He assures himself of my guilt.
    Their guarantee assures customers of fast delivery.
    BSandra assures her it is not and says that if Tamika wades in, she will get a very special surprise.
    The nitric acid assures good electrical conductivity.


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