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    bell [url=/enword/3469/]cows[/url]───领袖


    Mr. Bellows also served as the first resident agent.───贝罗斯先生还担任了第一任驻地代理。
    every bellows burst, be happy Still.───每一只风箱爆炸,她也能开颜。
    He bellows, rends the air with anguish.───他咆哮着,痛苦的喊声划破长空。
    The earth bellows as a pair of ethereal eyes form in front of you, etched on the walls of the dark gates.───大地发出呼啸,接著在你前方的黑暗闸门墙上刻蚀出一对空灵的双眼。
    By jury-rigging a microscope with a bellows camera, Bentley was able to capture for the first time the exquisite delicacy of a snowflake.───由于本特利在风箱照相机前加装了一个显微镜头,因此他首次捕获到的雪花图案相当精致。
    She said that he and his mother had forced her to work all day on the bellows, and he'd beaten her when she resisted.───她说丈夫和婆婆常常强迫她整天拉风箱,如果不从,他就会揍她。
    ANSYS was used to calculate the stress within membranes of welded metal bellows used for mechanical sealing.───利用ANSYS有限元程序对机械密封焊接金属波纹管波纹膜片进行应力分析计算。
    Love isn't a bunch of coals that can be blown by an artificial bellows into a flame at any time.───爱情并不是一堆煤,可以随时用风箱把它吹起火焰来。
    This made it possible for the astronaut, in his spacesuit with oxygen supply, to go first from the air-filled ship to the bellows.───这使穿着供氧宇航服的宇航员有可能先从注满空气的飞船走到减压舱。


    Despite his militant crew cut, Bellows looks stylishly moody and vulnerable, and Sheridan could pass for a vanilla float.
    He bellows, rends the air with anguish.
    The box bellows is a simple device which can be constructed by anyone with rudimentary carpentry skills.
    Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
    The muffled bellows were the only sounds he could make as his face was pushed closer and closer to the glowing rings.
    Mother shouted, jumping down off the bellows and tapping her daughter on the forehead with a poker.
    He worked the bellows furiously, with disastrous results.
    The blow pipe extends from the bellows through the firebrick wall of the forge to the bottom of the fire.
    Loud rock music bellows from the speakers.

