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    leg [url=/enword/9747/]irons[/url]───脚链,脚镣


    These legions are among my antecedents.───这些军团们构建了我的前身。
    Valentino was virtually deified by legions of female fans.───华伦天奴实际上被女性粉丝团神化了。
    The key to the Greek world lay in its high-powered ships; the key to Roman power lay in its marching legions.───希腊世界的关键是其强大的船队,而罗马帝国的关键则是它的步兵团。
    These easy to ride boards opened up the once exclusive sport to legions of enthusiasts.───这些易于骑乘的新板使得这项原本参与者寥寥的运动向大批爱好者敞开了大门。
    He becomes the Dark Wanderer, leaving Tristram behind shortly before legions of foul demons attack and destroy the town and its inhabitants.───他变成了黑暗流浪者,而在他离开崔斯特瑞姆不久,恶魔军团就开始攻击这里并毁掉了这里的一切。
    Your mind will not know where to look first, who to greet first, who to thank first as heavens legions will rejoice with you.───你们的心智将不知先去看哪里,先去欢迎谁,先去感谢谁,因为天堂军团会与你们欢庆。
    Remember, Dear Ones, that you never walk alone and that there are Legions of Light who walk with you.───请记住,亲爱的朋友们,你们从未独自行走,总是有光的千军万马与你一同上路。
    According to certain historians, the first Roman contact with silk was that of the legions of the governor of Syria, Crassus.───根据某些历史学家所说,首次与丝绸取得联系的罗马人是叙利亚执政者——克拉苏的古罗马军团内的人。
    Known as the "King of Pop, " Jackson`s dramatic stage presence and innovative dance moves were imitated by legions of fans around the world.───迈克尔-杰克逊被誉为“流行天王”,他精彩的舞台表演及创新的舞蹈动作被世界各地的粉丝所模仿。


    The Roman legions left, opening the way for the conquest of the British Isles by the Germanic tribes.
    I joined the feathered legions and took to the air.
    This new film will please his legions of admirers.
    Valentino was virtually deified by legions of female fans.
    Caught in frenzied downsizing, Dan joined the legions of independent consultants.
    It has inspired legions of compassionate men and women to minister to the needy in times of famine, war and pestilence.
    So, if legions from the north had conquered the south, the spirit of the south was defeating the north.
    Caesar's legions marched through France and crossed into Britain.
    The hall was invaded by legions of snotty-nosed, tousle-haired, black-faced imps.


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