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    who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.───那些掌权者当然都在全力支持他。
    who knows only how to wield a pen usually feels quite helpless in the face of practical problems.───光会耍笔杆的人,碰到实际问题往往束手无策。
    My students quickly see that the simplest way parents can elicit cooperation from children is to wield power tools.───我的学生们很快发现,父母能让孩子们合作的最简单方法就是使用奇怪的电动工具。
    Even then, it is unclear how much authority they will wield over the disparate group of commanders who now control Tripoli's streets.───就算到那时,委员会对分散控制着黎波里街头的各部队长官到底会有多大的指挥权,也还是未知之数。
    Not to mention the fact that you could probably wield it like a bat to defend yourself against intruders.───有一个事实没有提到,那就是你可以像挥动短棍一样的挥动它来捍卫自己抵御入侵者。
    We would walk through the forest in back of our school, trying to find the biggest stick we could feasibly wield as a weapon.───我们会到学校后面的小树林找一根我们能轻松挥动的最粗的棍子当武器。
    There is no evidence so far that sovereign-wealth funds are trying to wield inappropriate influence in the companies they invest in.───目前还没有迹象表明国控资金正对他们投资的公司施加不当影响。
    You could put the top down and drive while your passenger uses the extra space to wield a chainsaw at any attacking zombies.───你可以把车顶盖放下来驾车,以便旁边的人利用额外的空间,用电锯对付攻击中的僵尸。
    Today, players compete for big money, wield high-tech rackets and volley the ball at speeds up to 160 kilometres per hour.───今天,运动员挥舞着高科技含量的球拍,发出时速高达160公里的球,还有机会赢取大奖。


    Both men wield wonderful, not to say mythic, influence to this day.
    The little guy can sometimes wield the Freedom of Information Act to impressive effect.
    They wield enormous political power.
    How much clout does Cohen wield?
    They weren't out to impress or wield power.
    And one of these hands may wield the instrument of pastiche.
    But in doing this they do not wield a power which is independent of the class struggle.
    The men who wield the power are certainly backing him to the hilt.
    Though the central banks wield enormous power, we should not overstate their ability to shape the economy in the long run.


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