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    It was a misdemeanor, ” I said.───那是不正当的行当儿,”我说。
    case is now being investigated as filing a false report, a misdemeanor.───现已将此案定性为谎报案情的轻罪行为。
    On most planets murder is a misdemeanor; on some it is a praiseworthy act.───在多数的星球上,谋杀都属于轻罪范畴;在一些星球上,谋杀是值得广为传颂的壮举。
    A third offense would be charged as a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum $1, 000 fine and a year's jail time.───第三次违反规定将面临轻刑罪的指控,被处以最高1000美元罚款以及一年监禁。
    It was passed unanimously by the Las Vegas City Council as part of a bill making it a misdemeanor to go to the bathroom in public.───这条法令由拉斯维加斯市理事会全体成员一致通过,它与在公共场所洗澡将被处以轻罪的法令同属一法案。
    When a defendant is charged with a misdemeanor, a local judge or magistrate will fulfill a role comparable to that of a grand jury.───当一个被告因轻罪被控告时,地方法官或地方官员将充当大陪审团的角色。
    That did not stop him from appearing in a Miami court recently to defend a teenager facing misdemeanor drug charges.───但这并不妨碍其近日在迈阿密为一名面临较轻毒品指控的青少年出庭辩护。
    Because it was a misdemeanor, Cardoza said the man would not be taken to jail and his name not disclosed.───由于只是轻罪,Cardoza警官表示此人并不会因此入狱,其名字也不会被公布。
    The offense would be amended from the child pornography felony to a gross misdemeanor of telephone harassment.───他们的罪名将从儿童色情重罪修改成电话骚扰的严重轻罪(grossmisdemeanor)。


    Hudgins said Class A misdemeanor cruelty to animal charges will be filed Wednesday against the four who participated in the killing.
    Paul Mormando and Anthony Miccio were convicted on misdemeanor assault and discrimination charges.
    Jones still faces a misdemeanor charge of reckless driving and an infraction for running a red light.
    Bob Farner is shaping up as the misdemeanor trial of the century.
    Last month, he pleaded no contest to a misdemeanor voter-fraud charge.
    He is charged with several misdemeanor, including driving without a valid licence and creating a disturbance.
    Not a necessary social misdemeanor, as most bootlegging was contemporaneously regarded, but a high crime in any age.
    Even some misdemeanor offenses, if they draw maximum one-year sentences, can now be deemed aggravated felonies under federal immigration law.
    Mr Watt pleaded guilty to one misdemeanor charge.


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