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    The executioner went off like an arrow.───刽子手像离弦之箭一样离开了。
    I'll fetch the executioner myself," said the King eagerly, and he hurried off.───我自己去找刽子手来。”国王急切地说,连忙走开了。
    She's in prison," the Queen said to the executioner, "fetch her here."───她在监狱里,”王后对刽子手说,“把她带过来。”
    The executioner could then help speed their demise by means of a large hook with which he sank the person deeper.───执刑者可以帮助加速他们的死亡--用一个大钩子让他沉的更深。
    The Queen did not look round. "Off with its head! " she shouted. "Call for the executioner! "───王后没回头。“砍掉它的脑袋!”她喊着。“把执行官叫来!”
    Now Chelsea seem to have inherited the mantle of late demolition experts - with Drogba inheriting the title of executioner in chief.───现在的切尔西似乎继承了破坏之王的衣钵——而德罗巴则是首席刽子手。
    However, disillusionment - Meilen his wife were killed when the executioner England, home of a Shashi Jian Qiu hate Chung and on.───但当理想破灭——他的妻子美伦被英格兰刽子手杀害时,家仇国恨刹时间一涌而上。
    He looked like an executioner had cleaved his head.───他看上去就像是被刽子手砍了头。
    Alice was a little worried for her friend, but when the executioner arrived, everybody began to argue.───爱丽丝有点替朋友担心,但等执行官来了,大家开始争执起来。


    No man in Tabriz trifled with the executioner.
    Sentencedict.com is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
    Maskell came close to being the executioner.
    He used a filthy trick to defeat the Executioner.
    And another executioner earned the crowd's ecstatic applause when he beheaded two criminals with one blow!
    Moore ascended the scaffold and addressed the executioner.
    I think the executioner was a Sikh.
    Former Halifax man, Derek Hall was the executioner, who for once was devastated to have claimed the winning goal.
    The executioner cut off his head at one blow.


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