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    There is …the story which is told of Thales of Miletus .───有个……故事讲述的是米利都的泰勒斯。
    from Miletus, Paul sent to Ephesus for the elders of the church.───保罗从米利都打发人往以弗所去,请教会的长老来。
    in Corinth, and I left Trophimus sick in Miletus.───在哥林多住下了。特罗非摩病了,我就留他在米利都。
    EPG and EPD of E. miletus miletus was the most highest; this was related to its biological characteristics.───感染度及排卵量以大绒鼠居高,与其具有的生物学特性有关。
    Miletus was a rich commercial city, in which primitive prejudices and superstitions were softened by intercourse with many nations.───米利都是一个富庶的商业城市,在那里原始的偏见和迷信已经由于许多国家的相互交通而被冲淡了。
    Here, the ectoparasite communities of F. miletus and the potential medical and veterinary importance of these ectoparasites are described.───在此,将大绒鼠的体表寄生虫群落和体表寄生虫医学和兽医学的重要性进行了描述。
    It extended from the Black Sea coast east of the Sangarius River southwest across western Asia Minor to Miletus and the Maeander.───它从黑海沿岸桑噶里厄斯河以东向西南跨越小亚西亚西部扩展到米利都和门德雷斯。
    and the next day we came to Miletus.───又次日,来到米利都。
    BC, Pythagoras came to Miletus, may Loos and other places, visited Thales, Anaximander, and Phil Quds, and became their students.───公元前551年,毕达哥拉斯来到米利都、得洛斯等地,拜访了泰勒斯、阿那克西曼德和菲尔库德斯,并成为了他们的学生。


    From Miletus he had the presbyters of the church at Ephesus summoned.
    Plutarch writes about an epidemic of suicide by young women in the Greek city of Miletus that was stopped by the threat that their naked corpses would be dragged through the streets.
    Apollo's oracle at Didyma near Miletus recommended an attack on the church.
    The authors start about 2, 500 years ago, noting that the study of static began with a Greek named Thales of Miletus, who generated it using amber and wool.
    Here, the ectoparasite communities of F. miletus and the potential medical and veterinary importance of these ectoparasites are described.
    How about Megara, Melos , Mytilene, and Miletus?
    From Miletus, Paul sent Ephesus for the elders of the church.
    F. miletus would appear therefore to be a natural reservoir for pathogen on plague bacilli, tsutsugamushi disease and epidemic haemorrhagic fever (Korean haemorrhagic fever) viruses.
    The evaporative water loss(WEL) and energy metabolism were measured in different temperatures in Eothenomys miletus and Apodemus chevrieri in laboratory.


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