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    Each view accomplishes one purpose.───每一个视图都满足了一个目标。
    It accomplishes this through the tag.───它通过标签来做到这一点。
    The leatherback accomplishes this by arranging the blood vessels in the base of its flipper into a countercurrent exchange system.───棱皮龟通过将鳍状肢底部的血管排列成逆流交换系统来完成这一过程。
    The crowd, for some reason, seems to ignore or quickly forget the good that the poor and humble man accomplishes through his wisdom.───不知为何,贫穷人和情操高尚的人凭其智慧所做出的贡献,也似乎总是很快就被遗忘。
    It accomplishes that with a special sensor called a microlens array, which puts the equivalent of many lenses into a small space.───它通过一个被称为微光线阵列的特殊传感器来实现这一行为,微光线传感器将大量光线等价地装入一个很小的空间。
    Nevertheless, it accomplishes the one thing that it needed to do: it encourages readers to ask the right questions about Obama.───然而它完成了一件它需要做的事:它鼓励读者提出更多关于奥巴马的疑问。
    Morphia accomplishes this by providing a set of annotations and a wrapper around the Mongo Java driver.───通过提供一系列围绕MongoJava驱动程序的注释和包装程序,Morphia完成了这些操作。
    If one accomplishes this task, the behavior problems will fade into a good student and a conscientious teen ager or young adult.───如果你完成了这个任务,行为问题将渐渐融入于一个好学生和一个负责的青少年或青年人。
    He spends so much time fooling around that he never accomplishes anything.───他终日无所事事,因而一事无成。


    He accomplishes His plan providentially through circumstances.
    RTU node accomplishes data sampling, processing, judging and executing the control command.
    Monitor level accomplishes the tasks or demands which are assigned by the organization level so that it can ensure and maintain all the controller running normally in the execution level.
    It accomplishes the research frame of historical cities protection mechanism under the concept of urban management, referencing the administrative mechanism of urban management.
    Whatever Texas accomplishes in the weeks ahead, the Horns are a leg up on the high-hopes curve.
    Somehow, he accomplishes it and keeps doing work at the leading edge.
    The scheme accomplishes range tracking by adopting three range gate tracking to make middle gate always centered at echo pulse center through feedback circuit and deviation calculation circuit.
    I myself do nothing. The Holy Spirit accomplishes all through me. William Blake
    What Simmel accomplishes is a realization of the inseparability of the positive and negative consequences of these social transformations.


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