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    Tao never-failing honey you, sincere hand in hand every day.───道不尽的蜜语甜言,不如真诚携手每一天。
    The never-failing brook, the busy mill.───永不干涸的溪流,繁忙的磨坊。
    God's Word in deepest reverence in our hearts, and on our lips, and in our lives, will be a never-failing fountain of strength and blessing.───神的道在我们心中最深的敬畏里,并在我们的嘴唇上,以及在我们的生活上,必成为永远不止息的能力和祝福的泉源。
    Even his never-failing energy seemed to have run out of him.───并且他那永不会感到疲倦的精力也像逃走了。
    His quick mind, abundant energy and never-failing enthusiasm always brought him back on his feet after a fall.───他过人的才智,充沛的精力,旺盛而持久的热情总是使他在失败后能重新站起。
    Tao Tao never-failing river reflects a turn pale face intense darkness without light, the eyes do not see past the wonderful?───淘淘不尽的江水里映照着一张苍白失色的脸,那黯淡无光的秋水里怎么不见往日的精彩?
    as hurry, bustle, and agitation are the never-failing, symptoms of a weak and frivolous mind.───但若他办事匆忙,烦躁不安,刚必然显示其智力薄弱,性情轻浮。
    This forces leopards to master the art of the arboreal scramble. Never failing to know exactly which branch will support its weight.───这迫使豹子掌握了在树上攀爬的技术。永远都知道哪根树枝能够支撑自己的体重。
    In Gao Lang Shen Zhan's night sky, continue long never-failing green mauve cloud regiment to migrate, escort, rotate over to stream out.───高朗深湛的夜空中,绵延不绝的青紫色云团移动着,簇拥着,翻涌着。


    Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
    Winter afternoon, desolate in the winding never-failing mountain path, we three people plods along.
    His quick mind, abundant energy and never-failing enthusiasm always brought him back on his feet after a fall.
    The never-failing brook, the busy mill.
    A topic, permanent does not say, say never-failing , is an eternal topic.
    Tao Tao never-failing river reflects a turn pale face intense darkness without light, the eyes do not see past the wonderful?
    back tears, Scarlett thrilled to the never-failing magic of her mother's touch, to the faint fragrance of lemon verbena sachet that came from her rustling silk dress.
    Thick labial itself has say never-failing glamour.
    Never-failing native places of Hui-Shang, untold topics of Hui-Shang.


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