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    This vision of the founders served as a basis for asserting that freedom was a national moral imperative, and that the United States Constitution was an antislavery document.───国父们的这种远见成为了主张自由是国家道德义务的基础,美国宪法是一份反奴隶制的文件。
    Krech also contradicts Martin's exclusion of climatic change as an explanation by asserting that widespread climatic change did indeed occur at the end of the Pleistocene.───Krech 断言广泛的气候变化确实发生在更新世末期,这与 Martin 排除气候变化作为解释的观点相矛盾。
    The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves.───各共和国开始坚持他们自治的权利。
    A cable including circuitry for asserting information to a user or external device and a system including such a cable.───一种包括用于向用户或外部装置发出信息的电路的电缆,以及一种包括该电缆的系统。
    Don't use the occasion as an opportunity for asserting your own relative, temporary superiority to that sort of thing.───不要利用这样的时机来体现自己对这种事情相对、临时的优越性。
    2. The angry customer complained about being overcharged at the store, asserting that this was the third time that he had been had.───那位气冲冲的顾客抱怨著他在那家店里被揩油,并声称这已经是他第三次受骗了。
    For them, it was "a way of showing themselves to be friendly and not asserting power in the situation, " she said.───对于他们来说,这是“表示自己很友善、不会强加于人的一种方式。”
    The Reagan administration eventually dropped the case in 1982, asserting that it had been "without merit" .───但最终里根当局还是在1982年驳回了案件,并声明(拆分IBM)“没有好处”。
    But the bank added that the deal does not bar DoJ or other "government agencies from asserting other claims against us" .───不过该行接着表示,这项交易并不能排除美国司法部或其他“政府机构对我们提出其他主张”。


    The republics began asserting their right to govern themselves.
    He's speaking up and asserting himself confidently.
    They also responded to the idea of Britain asserting a moral lead in the world after the soul-scarring debacle of Suez.
    Apart from asserting that dwarfs are usually unintelligent, the author offers no comment on the morphological differences between human physical types.
    Initially there was a response from some critics asserting that this would lead to structural unemployment.
    By asserting it, however, we are also committing ourselves to a general conditional proposition of a standard kind.
    I have heard of chaps being accused of asserting their conjugal rights, but asserting moral rights is obviously something else.
    By 1992, he was asserting such complete recovery that he declared himself a candidate for the presidency.
    It seemed that Morrissey was asserting his power over the media in order to make a point.


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