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    It invades the nervous system, and can cause total paralysis in a matter of hours.───它侵袭神经系统,可在数小时内造成机能完全瘫痪。
    If a nonnative plant species invades an above-ground community of flora and fauna, it can alter links between the native above-ground community and the below-ground soil community.───如果一种外来植物入侵了地上的动植物群落,就会改变地上群落和地下土壤群落之间的联系。
    Don't freak out when someone invades your personal space.───如果有人闯入你的私人空间,不要惊慌。
    Piccolo puts all of West City on edge when he invades the King's castle, but Goku is not about to let him take over without a fight.───短笛大魔王对世界之王城堡的进攻把整个西部城市推向了毁灭的边缘,但是小悟空决不会允许他不战而胜地轻易得手。
    So long as the youth in, I cannot be sorrowful, even though the dark night invades the world, the sun also may come back.───只要青春还在,我就不会悲哀,纵使黑夜侵占世界,太阳还可以重新回来。
    Even more to the point, America invades countries to rid the world of nuclear weapons and yet, we have thousands.───说得更直白些,美国侵略别国是为了消除世界上的核武器,然而我们却拥有着上千的核武器。
    If it invades the body again the immune system should be able to remember it and fight it without the person getting ill.───之后,如病原体再侵入人体时人体免疫系统能够记住它,并在人不再生病的情况下排除病原体。
    Worse, such a boss invades your every waking hour, making it all but impossible to separate your own home life from the office.───更糟的是,这样的老板在你醒着的每时每刻都会来烦你,使得你根本无法将家庭生活和工作区分开来。
    Given that this infection invades the hair shaft and the pilosebaceous unit, systemic antifungal therapy is the gold standard of treatment.───鉴于这感染侵入毛干和毛囊皮脂腺单位,全身抗真菌治疗是治疗的黄金标准。


    But during the day pity for Joe invades me once more. How selfish I am.
    When politics invades religion, legality becomes merely emblematic.
    Doublespeak, purveyed through television news and cinema, invades the mind of every citizen.
    Disgust invades me, invades this room, almost like a real reptile, a skink flicking out its swift purple tongue.
    It crushes our potentialities and invades our lives with its imported products and televised movies that swamp the airwaves.
    The polio virus first invades the intestines, where it lives, replicates, and usually establishes harmless infection.
    But during the day pity for Joe invades me once more.
    The disease invades their bodies.
    That night an army of street-cleaning machines invades Ninth Avenue from the north, mowing down anything in their paths.


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