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    In one small excavation in Cyprus, archaeologists recently uncovered 2,000 virtually indistinguishable small jugs in a single courtyard.───在塞浦路斯的一次小型挖掘中,考古学家最近在一个院子里发现了2000个几乎毫无区别的小壶。
    Will you allow me to have a drink from one of your jugs?───你能让我从你的罐子里喝点水吗?
    Finally, a little woman went by carrying two water jugs.───最后,一个小妇人提着两罐水走了过来。
    Mother always filled things up -- cups, water jugs, vases, boxes, arms -- as if colour and weight equalled a superior quality of life.───妈妈总喜欢用东西装扮那些:空杯子、空水缸、空花瓶、空盒子等就连双臂也不愿空着,好像颜色和重量就等于一种生活的高品位似的。
    Women would be buried with necklaces made from teeth, pets, and copper earrings, as well as jugs and an egg-shaped pot placed near the feet.───女性死者的随葬品有兽牙制成的项链、宠物和铜耳环,还有水罐和放在脚边的卵形壶。
    Inside, while my wife took orders for her face jugs over the Internet, I turned on the television.───在屋内,妻子在网上整理她的面壶顺序,我打开电视机。
    Around the next corner, a government water truck had stopped on the road and people were filling empty water jugs.───下一个转角旁停了一辆政府的供水车,人们拿着空空的水罐在这里打水。
    SEPARATOR: Cut out a few circles or squares from jugs, and use them as meat-patty dividers when making burgers to store in the freezer.───分隔片:从罐子上剪些圆形或方形的塑料片,在把做完的汉堡放进冰箱时,可以把它们当成分隔片。
    What pottery was now being made was of a strictly utilitarian variety, including teapots, wine jugs , cups and plates.───目前所生产的陶器,都是一些日用品,诸如茶壶、酒壶、杯盘碗碟之类。


    Or the lovely, curved local milk jugs made of some very dark wood.
    Some thick, tallow candles, and jugs and bowls completed the furnishings.
    Countless numbers of discarded water jugs and plastic trash bags have turned many areas into garbage dumps.
    Jugs were full of flowers from the garden where summer had revealed a plenitude of roses and lilies.
    Huge jugs of fruit juice were being pressed on guests, rather than booze.
    On it were a variety of jugs and china vases from the same school of design as the pixie doorknocker.
    The fancy bowls, water jugs and chamber pots, now so beloved of antique dealers, were in every bedroom.
    They ran into Madra, nearly upsetting the jugs she held in her fists.
    Anything from Roman jugs and vases to intricate jewellry from the Anglo-Saxon era.


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