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    Listen to the anguished squeal of a dolphin separated from its pod or witness the sight of elephants mourning their dead.───听一听从海豚群中分离出来的痛苦尖叫,或者亲眼目睹大象为它们的死亡哀悼。
    How anguished, sad and helpless mother must have felt!───母亲心里是多么悲痛、悲哀和无可奈何的事啊!
    She let out an anguished cry.───她发出了一声极为痛苦的叫喊。
    But destruction doesn't sit right with God. Like an anguished parent, his anger and passion run into the wall of his compassion.───然而,毁灭并不合神的心意,祂就像悲痛的父母般,激怒被怜爱堵住了。
    You lose track of time in there and also your hearing tends to fail, especially when it comes to picking up anguished banging on the door.───你会忘了时间,而且失去听觉,特别是当洗澡房的门砰砰响时。
    If the leopard could speak out his mind, he would surely express how anguished he felt for the loss of his speckles .───如果这只美洲豹可以说出他心里的想法,他一定会表达失去了斑点的苦恼。
    But have not thought ed of to turn round to see unexpectedly to is explicit whole body Huang, the noodles takes a anguished summer dream Ze.───却不曾想到转身看到的竟然是一身明黄,面带憔悴的夏梦泽。
    It was as if the Mother's inner flame had guttered, for her tears -- or rivers -- had frozen and the wind carried her anguished cries.───似乎“母亲”内心的火焰已经渐渐熄灭,她的泪水凝成了冰冻的河流,寒风传递着她痛苦的呜咽。
    He seemed seized for an instant as if by an anguished feeling that Kennedy did not really care about disarmament at all.───在一瞬间,他似乎非常痛苦的感觉到,肯尼迪根本就不是真正关心裁军。


    An analysis of the anguished reactions of parents assuming new roles of parenting a handicapped child illustrates some typical responses.
    The loss of her husband anguished her deeply.
    He took an anguished breath. He had to be brutal and say it.
    Desmond eyed her anguished face with sympathy.
    She let out an anguished cry.
    She cast an anguished look at Guy.
    The change began with the anguished division of the old Solidarity opposition into warring factions last year.
    But the anguished upstate New York social worker now finds himself waging a spirited campaign to keep his sibling from death row.
    Board meetings grew ever more vociferous and anguished.


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