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    the more scared I was, the fiercer he became.───怕狗成了我的一种病。
    Last week the fight got fiercer.───上周,这场竞争更加白热化了。
    Competition from abroad became fiercer in the 1990s.───在20世纪90年代来自国外的竞争加剧。
    When stronger, faster fiercer predators were at rest out of the heat, 'they' were able to look for food.───当力量更强、速度更快、更加凶狠的捕食猛兽为避开酷热在休息,我们的老祖先们却能够去寻找食物。
    Darling 9 months, seem to have phlegmy be in all the time, return some dry cough to vomit, fiercer recently?───宝宝9个月了,好像有痰一直在,还有些干咳呕吐,最近比较厉害?
    'You'd better let the dog alone, ' growled Mr. Heathcliff in unison, checking fiercer demonstrations with a punch of his foot. '───“你最好别碰那狗。”希斯克利夫师长教师同时喊道,急躁的抬腿踢一脚。
    The wind was fiercer than ever now, and its howling completely drowned the roar of the city.───风刮得更凶猛了。呼呼的吼声盖倒了一切的都市的骚音。
    It may take a new generation to make fiercer demands on the system and force change. But what kind of change that will be, nobody knows.───也许要等三十年后,人们才会对体系需求更多,从而推进改革,但那时改革会是什么局面就很难说了。
    Raikes's desire for fiercer internal debates at the foundation may be an acknowledgement that Gates needs to be challenged more.───莱克斯希望基金内部的争论更为激烈些,这或许是承认盖茨需要面对更多的挑战。


    Thereafter the dispute grew fiercer and was to be further exacerbated by Crowe's royalist and the company's parliamentarian sympathies.
    Competition in the drugs industry is fiercer, and governments are trying to curb health-care costs.
    Members of larger cohorts experience fiercer competition throughout their lives for places in schools, university, employment, and promotion.
    The more she struggled, the fiercer he became.
    Competition from abroad became fiercer in the 1990s.
    Facing the fiercer and fiercer competition, JC Company who has always been taking the direct distribution as its primary marketing strategy, begins to re-examine its marketing channel.
    Competition grew fiercer still during the 1989-90 recession.
    When he tries to sound fiercer he sometimes sounds peevish or wheedling.
    Fiercer invertebrates which came to the moss jungles to prey on this grazing population, could not indulge in such trusting relationships.


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