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    ostrich [url=/enword/179/]eggs[/url]───鸵鸟蛋
    ostrich [url=/enword/9685/]egg[/url]───鸵鸟蛋
    vast riches───巨大的财富


    Sixty acres of woods and ponds are home to camels, zebras, bison, water buffaloes, ostriches, and antelopes.───六十英亩的森林和池塘是骆驼,斑马,野牛,水牛,鸵鸟和羚羊的家园。
    Some Italians eat donkeys; South Africans eat ostriches.───有些意大利人吃驴;南非人吃鸵鸟。
    And some ostriches as well.───还有一些鸵鸟。
    Clinging to life in the basin are beetles, gerbils, ostriches, oryx, and a few other species.───在湖盆,你能碰到的只有甲虫,沙鼠,羚羊,以及其他少数几个物种。
    The birds are the ostriches' distant cousins, called rheas, and the parent is not a diligent mother, but a doting father.───那些鸟是鸵鸟们的远房堂兄弟姐妹,叫美洲鸵;而那位“母亲”也不是一个勤劳母亲,而是一个溺爱的父亲。
    Farmed ostriches don't need African climates, and in fact ostrich farming is now becoming well established in other parts of the world.───养鸵鸟不需要非洲气候,实际上在世界各地鸵鸟养殖场非常容易建立。
    Most people are ostriches, heads in the sand, unable to help you anyway.───大多数人都是鸵鸟般的人,他们回避现实,根本对你无所助益。
    Today, leather is being made from ostriches, sharks, snakes, kangaroos and a variety of other creatures.───今天,皮革可以由鸵鸟,鲨鱼,蛇,袋鼠和其它多种动物制成。
    But the ratite family, from large ostriches to small kiwis, were thought to be the exception to this rule.───但大至鸵鸟小至几维鸟的走鸟家族却被认为是例外。


    Animal Park in the main are: antelope, zebra, cheetah, Jin Qianbao, giraffe, Ma Kok, hippos, rhinos, lions, bison, orangutans, baboons , ostriches, guinea fowl, and so on.
    A flock of ostriches greets a photographer a farm near Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument in Utah.
    Clinging to life in the basin are beetles, gerbils, ostriches, oryx, and a few other species.
    But special permission has now been granted to bring the ostriches to a safe country where they can be farmed intensively.
    Ostracize is not, as urbandictionary.com says "An exercise program for ostriches."
    Ostriches are long-lived birds.
    Other creatures, like some lizards and giant birds such as ostriches, only have rearward fermentation systems in long intestines.
    Fossilisation does not preserve a dinosaur's muscles, but educated guesses about how they worked can be made by studying animals alive today, such as ostriches.
    Ostriches are descendants of dinosaurs, and the researchers liken ostrich movements to those of bipedal dinosaurs.


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