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    Even to believers in small government, like this newspaper, there are good reasons for letting taxes take at least some of the strain.───甚至像本报这样小政府的支持者,也有充分的理由让税收至少承担部分压力。
    As fulfiller of the Law, Jesus Christ makes believers "sons of God".───作为上帝律法的实现者,耶稣基督使信徒们成为“上帝的儿子”。
    The Amburghs, too, were true believers in grass-fed.───阿姆伯尔一家也是草饲的忠实信徒。
    She has a wide influence there with millions of believers. Even politicians go and call on her. Some of them go so far as to kowtow to her.───台湾有个尼姑叫澄严法师,她的影响力在台湾非常大,有几百万信徒,政治人物都要去拜访她,有的还向她磕头。
    Small details, perhaps, but were these not grounds enough on which believers could found a new religion?───也许这些是微不足道的小事,但是,这足以使信徒们建立一种新的宗教。
    When He comes, the believers who have passed away will be resurrected and those still living will be caught up to be forever with the Lord.───当他再来的时候,已死的信徒将要复活,那些仍然活着的信徒将会被提,永远与主同在。
    For the true believers, currency union was always just a means to that greater end.───对于政治联盟的忠实信徒而言,货币联盟从来都只是实现那个更伟大目标的方法。
    He gathered about him a small circle of believers and presently began to preach in the town against the prevalent idolatry .───他身边聚集了一小批信徒,很快开始在城里布道,反对当时盛行的盲目崇拜。
    All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had.───那许多信的人,都是一心一意的,没有一人说,他的东西有一样是自己的,都是大家公用。


    Conservatives are by tradition believers in a strong executive.
    There are few true believers in communism left in the party.
    Religious believers are not morally superior. Nonbelievers are by no means amoral. Dr T.P.Chia
    History had made the Saigormais great believers in luck.
    Like conscientious believers everywhere they confess a wide range of sins of omission and commission.
    Just because people are religious believers, it does not mean they must be ethical, moral and trustworthy. Dr T.P.Chia
    Believers wanted to be detached in many ways from earthly life and attached to heavenly life through a process called salvation.
    But the true believers are an irrepressible group.
    True believers are adamant that without annexation there can be no financial or social equity in Tucson -- end of discussion.


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