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    The barnacle and the clam are two examples of filter feeders.───藤壶和蛤类是滤过觅食者的两种例子。
    I'm Barnacle Bill. I sank with the Titanic. I rose in salty heaven.───我是巴纳克·比尔。我跟泰坦尼克一起沉没。我在咸咸的天堂里升起。
    Surprisingly, in areas where tidal currents are very weak, juvenile horseshoe crabs are found not to have significant barnacle populations, even though they seldom burrow.───令人惊讶的是,在潮汐流很弱的地方,幼年马蹄蟹的藤壶数量并不多,尽管它们很少在洞里活动。
    Fish jump, crabs cling to barnacle-encrusted stilts and housewives lean out of ornate windows for a smoke.───鱼在水面上跳跃,螃蟹爬上壳类堆积物上,家庭主妇们从华丽的窗户探出来吸一口烟。
    The disease is defined by freckles of barnacle-like piles of a protein fragment, amyloid beta, in the brain.───所谓老年痴呆症就是大脑出现蛋白质片段(β-淀粉样蛋白)像藤壶一样堆积形成的雀斑。
    Wait a minute, why is biscuit ahead of baby and barnacle?───等一下为什么饼干会排在婴儿和甲壳动物前面?
    The proteins of barnacle glue, they discovered, are dominated by amino acids called proline and isoleucine.───他们发现,藤壶的蛋白质主要由被称为脯氨酸和异亮氨酸的两种氨基酸组成。
    Oh Barnacle Lake if I'm honest about it.───噢~说实话藤壶之湖嘛。
    The hermit crab, barnacle, clam and snail have hard shells to protect themselves.───寄居蟹,藤壶,蚬和螺有很硬的壳来保护自己。


    The readings suggest Barnacle Bill is a form of lava called andesite, typically loaded with quartz.
    They scraped off the barnacles that always encrusted on the ship's hull.
    This will be difficult to carry out on barnacles, but comparatively easy for mussels, limpets or other snails.
    Sentencedict.com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
    At dawn two men with barnacles covering their beautiful skin approached them.
    An EA spokesman called the tactic barnacle marketing.
    A ship freed of barnacles is not yet a ship on course to its destination.
    The paint that puts the skids under barnacles is being adopted by Porter International for protective coatings in the United States.
    The ends of the boards were crusted with barnacles.


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